Monday 17 September 2018

School of Psychology research seminar: Modeling Dynamic Social Networks

The UoN School of Psychology is proud to present:


Location: Keats AVLG-17 
and video conference to Ourimbah EXSA-102 Room
No rsvp required
Light refreshments will be provided
Date: Wednesday 19th September 2018 Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Title: Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Social Networks
Mohsen did his undergraduate studies in Electrical Engineering at the Shiraz University of Technology. He then did his master studies again in Electrical Engineering at the National University of Singapore in 2009. He did his PhD under supervision of Prof. Brian. D.O. Anderson at Research School of Engineering inthe Australian National University in 2014. He iscurrently a post-doctoral researcher at the NewcastleUniversity, Australia. His research interests includesecurity, control, estimation and optimization for cyber-physical systems and analysis of social networks.In the past, social networks consisted of a limited number of individuals discussing an issue. However, with the ever-growing speed of technology, this number has increased exponentially. Individuals in a social network can influence each other's opinions on various topics. Hence, it is of utmost importance to comprehend the underlying structure of opinion dynamics in social networks. Understanding how opinions are formed in a social network and the patterns of relationships among individuals can help us realize the weaknesses, strengths, and interests of individuals. In this talk, I introduce some of the existing model sets that have been proposed for capturing evolution of opinions within social groups. Several model sets will be introduced and relations between them will be analyzed